Private Family Plot Sections

  1. In those sections designated by the Cemetery Association as Private Family Plots (a rectangular plot consisting of not less than two (2) graves, only one family monument, placed in the rear center of the plot, and a flush footstone, 24 inches by 12 inches by 4 inches at the foot of each grave, will be permitted.  The inscription may appear only on one side of the family monument; however, where a plot extends from walk to walk the inscription may and only in such cases, appear on both sides of the monument.

  2. Beds of any type are prohibited in Private Family Plot Sections.

  3. Single and double monuments are prohibited in Private Family Plot Sections.

  4. Only the family name or names (if more than one family) should be inscribed thereon.

    Base of Family Monuments:

a. The width of the base shall not be less than 3 feet 2 inches.
b. The base shall be no wider than 4 feet or 60% of the width of the plot, whichever is larger.
c. The base shall be no higher than one foot.
d. The thickness of the base shall not exceed 18 inches including the rough.
e. The front of the base must be steeled, axed, or polished.
f. If base measures more than 16 inches in depth, back of base must be steeled, axed, polished or sawed smooth.  If base measures 16 inches or less in depth, back may be rock-pitched not exceeding one inch projection or depression.
g. The ends may be steeled, axed, polished, sawed smooth or rock pitched not exceeding one inch projection or depression.
h. In areas where monuments are set back to back, rear of base must be smooth.  Please check with the cemetery before submitting order.
i. The base must have a projection (wash) of not less than 3 inches in the front and in the rear.
j. The base must have a projection (wash)of not less than 4 inches on each end
Die of Family Monuments:
k. The width of the die shall not be less than 2 feet 6 inches in width.
l. The thickness of the die shall not be less than 8 inches when die is up to 2 feet in height;  10 inches when die is between 2 feet and 3 feet in height; 12 inches when die exceeds 3 feet in height.
m. Height of die up to 4 feet in width shall not exceed 3 feet 6 inches in height; die 4 feet to 5 feet in width shall not exceed 3 feet 6 inches in height; die 6 feet and over in width shall not exceed 4 feet in height.
n. The front, top and back of the die must be steeled, axed or polished.
o. The ends may be steeled, axed, polished, sawed smooth or rock pitched not exceeding one inch projection or depression.